Category: Reviews

“oh!! i think it is lengthy enough , will people gonna read so much , i think i need to omit some lines , oh but it won’t make a sense to the real readers”

A blogger , may belong to any field have a lot of thoughts which always runs in his mind while he writes a post , may be he call himself a freelance blogger who don’t care what he is writing , what he is sharing but the truth lies is that until his creation got published and until he got his desired feedback a situation of dilemma always crawls inside his mind.

From the situation of becoming his creation into a controversy to becoming the interference to some one’s personnel life his words stumbles on each and every step. The feeling of may be some one gonna dislike this stops his word , even now some are murmuring that  ” its just your views dude, i am not not really like that” ah!! i am sorry for them , i would have included a disclaimer , oh! its my post i can put it anywhere:
P.S. : Disclaimer :These are my personnel views no need to be Sentimental – if u are frustrated reading this , take help of cross button in top right corner of your window!!

The anxiety of post completeness , the wait for that first comment , the feeling of someone’s appraisal each and every thing is just a desire for him and while writing  sometimes that even reflects in his words. But for him it is his best may it depends on his audience how they get it , how it is portrayed and how it falls on them but for him that is his everything and views of his readers are his award in his race with his thoughts.

” oh !! will that be fine.. oh i think it is fine !! should i include some pictures , ah! what is the need people don’t come here to see the pics ,
but presentation is more important than the stuff..but but  hey….hey…hey stop it don’t click on publish i want to write more…….. !!!

Oh u have done it, then let it be “

A pilgrimage point for all engineers

Engineers world when I first heard the name I thought what’s new in it. Somebody would have made a blog and named it engineers world.
But when I browsed it for a couple of days I felt no its something different.

There are projects post, facebooks tricks and also the most important a motivational stuff for all engineers. What a wonderful tutorial they have for linux “A self explanatory one”. Here I see a traffic from all countries on this website.

The blog has achieved milestone and I wish to congratulate the whole engineersworld team for their work and urge them to bring more about jobs opening.


Sudeep Gangal