Tag Archive: linux

Shell Scripting:While login to UNIX

In UNIX,shell is a very strong and most important tool.
When you login to UNIX , a shell executes and you see a login prompt, this shell can be a bourne shell , a POSIX shell, etc (depending on the versions of UNIX) i.e. for LINUX it is a bourne shell.
When a user types a username , a password prompty comes and when user types a password ,the entry is matched with the preentry made in file /etc/passwd .
Now if the entry matches the user successfully get loged in but if the password doesnt match the GETTY program takes over and we get a new login prompt untill you made a true entry.

Thats all for the unix shell scripts used while the user makes a login.For more such informations give a like to our facebook page and leave your valuable comments too.

Bash (Unix Shell)

There are many tools in linux for command executions and one of them is called the “shell programming”.

The most common Linux shell is named “Bash” is the default shell on linux. The name comes from “Bourne Again SHell” ,written by Brian Fox.

As it is the default shell of linux so people prefer using it than any other shells as it makes them to use it worldwide as it now becomes machine independent and operating system independent.

There are two ways to use the shell: interactively and by writing shell scripts( known as shell scripting ).

* In the interactive mode, the user types a single command or a short string of commands and the result is printed out on the screen.

*In shell scripting, the user types anything from a few commands  to an entire program( collection of programs) into a text editor, then executes the resulting text file as a shell script.

How to switch from cli mode to gui in Ubuntu


How to install ubuntu linux….READ MORE

bash shell……READ MORE


My friend asked me today about the problem he his facing in ubuntu linux ,that he was unable to switch from the cli mode to the gui mode for that there is simple command that is:


enter it through root and you will be able to switch from cli mode to graphics mode.

Other than that there are more commands too:

init 5

This is default for graphical mode and by entering it can be switched from cli to gui.