Archive for January, 2011

Paper presentation on Stock

These are the topics covered by the presentation:
  • To download the entire presentation click here.

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Well be updated with the overgrowing advanced topics of engineering from all IT,CS,Mech. etc.

Here is the list of all such updated topics.Subscribe us for all such new posts directly to your email:

# Green Engines

# Nano Robotics

# Mobile Ad Hoc Network(MANET)

# Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI) engines

# Microprocessor Based IC Engines

# 5-axes Machining

# Robotics, Dynamics and Control

# Automation in Automobiles

# Software Development ( Application of Software in Renovating India)

# Green IT Strategy (Conserving Energy, Reducing Carbon footprint of a Company, Limiting Waste)

# Astrophysics

# Smart Materials

# Fiber Sensor

# Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)

# Fiscal Policies

# Union Budgets

# SWOT Analysis

# E-Commerce

# Cognitive Radio Design

# 3D photography

# Airbourne Vehicle Communication

# Agent OS

# Latest trends in SuperConductivity

# Cloud Computing

# Hardware and Software for Low Power

# Grid Computing

# Cryptography

# Green Power: Alternate Energy Sources

# Soft Computing Techniques: Microprocessor $ their application, Robotics $ Automation, Fuzzy Control Techniques

# FACTS(Flexible AC Transmission System)

# Quantum Electronics

# Biometric Authentication

# Brain fingerprinting

For more details over any topic please write us here,we will soon try to update over it.

Below is the list of microcontroller based major projects,futher they can be modified too for further enhancement:
1. Artificial intelligent solar power generation

2. A testing method for PIR detectors system

3. A mobile – agent based distributed intelligent control system architecture for
home automation

4. A multi agent multi sensor based security system for intelligent building

5. Industrial energy saver

6. A novel optimum point tracker of the solar cell power supply system

7. Train collision detection

8. Humidity monitoring and pumping system

9. Alcohol detection with vehicle controlling

10. Automated restaurant for efficient maintenance

11. RF based human movement monitoring

12. Smoke alert system for industries

13. Intelligent guard alert system

14. Auto-image monitoring using CCTV camera

15. Path planning system for blind

16. Digital energy meter with auto limiting of load

17. Intelligent fire detection and fighting robot

18. Temperature level monitoring and automatic control in boiler

19. Self guided vehicle

20. Automated conveyor system

21. Modern car parking system

22. Ozone gas generator for water purifier

23. Aeronautical collision prevention system

24. Automated bus-stop alert for passengers

25. Bus identification system for blind

26. Eye blink with more explanation

27. Wireless motor control system

28. Chopper based dc motor controller

29. PWM based solar tracking system with sine wave inverter

30. PWM based single phase ac induction motor with close loop controller

31. PWM based three phase ac induction motor with close loop controller

32. Single axis solar panel tracking system

33. Double axis solar panel tracking system

34. Solar based lighting system

35. Solar agro sprayer

36. Coil winding machine

For further information over any project,write us here,soon we will try to update over it.








Well below is the VHDL coding of a 2 to 4 binary decoder:

LIBRARY ieee ;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
ENTITY dec2to4 IS
END dec2to4 ;
ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF dec2to4 IS
Enw <= En & w ;
y <= “1000” WHEN “100”,
“0100” WHEN “101”,
“0010” WHEN “110”,
“0001” WHEN “111”,
“0000” WHEN OTHERS ;
END Behavior ;

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page hacked

News of Mark Zuckerberg’s facebook page got hacked is on upsurge today,a strange message appeared on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s fan page which reads as:

“”Let the hacking begin: If facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn’t Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a ‘social business’ the way Nobel Price winner Muhammad Yunus described it? {link} What do you think? #hackercup2011″”

It got more than 1800 likes and about 500 comments just in few hours, after that the page was taken down by facebook.

oops really scary to hear that na……


Something is missing

India ,celebrating its 62nd Republic Day,making us proud how strong ,how invariant our nation India is!!
Every year new advancements,developments may be in technologies ,infrastructure or in relations ,there is drastic upsurge seen from all parts of India.

But still something is missing,the upcoming generation is not in the mood to grasp the indian culture,a best amoung the whole world but are running towards the attractive one.

Just today i.e 26 January 2011,when i was checking my facebook account..i saw many of the people have wished for happy Independence Day…i don’t know what was that…was it a mistake or they just forget about it,nor i wanna to point out someone by saying so but i think still something is marking its absence.People have no any interest in whats going on in nations belief.They have no interest in political affairs and for them the old Indian culture is very one just wanna be engaged to that.

Yes i believe that being cool and jolly is the need of today’s lifestyle but it doesn’t claims you to sacrifice your culture for it.May be our livelihood have been a slave of the modern living and western culture but then too it is a unique among the whole world.

May people believe that the changing fashions,lifestyles are the results of the western mix up in our culture or we can say the overpowering nature of it.But i believe the culture should stay in our mind that’s only the need of time ,it should flow in our blood ,in our heart.

Ya there is something that is missing may be thats culture ,our beliefs and all that which are the gifts of our ancestors but the need is to fill that gap before its too late.

First love

Well i don’t know exactly what was the date,but the day was very beautiful.Sun was on his laughter and was trying to tease me in my eyes.I was again packing my stuffs and begin to move for the thing i always to be proud of..ya that’s obviously the thing that makes me prior in front of my other friends…hmmmm wanna know…ahem ahem..that’s the royal engineering,i know what u wanna say…thank you for that.

Hey so i was about to reach..ya ya to my college.But other than all ,with everything in my mind,there was something which was the most lovable for me…and i don’t think you need the specifications as you all guys must have yours…..!!!!!
Yes that was my first love….she was very beautiful,very slim and trim,very attractive and what all I can say…she was gorgeous.All of my friends used to pray that they also have such a luck to find the same among a lot in the crowd.
I always believe her,trust her…and i love her soooo much.But the fate was not in my hand….and the day come which was totally unexpected,unbelievable…!!!!!

There happens an incident which sometimes shivers me….which can make anyone unconscious and which stabbed me on my heart.Yes you are right friends it was end of our love but not becoz we want but i think it was the fate.and u wanna know how it happened….hmmmmmm….ok.then listen…

It was just a simple day.Sun was on its peak….and environment was very pleasant…we both were on the road,i was just holding her very close to my heart,and was feeling the best hours of my life…but at a sudden everything got changed.The scenario changed suddenly and it started raining….i was totally shocked,and at that time the thing that was rolling in my mind was her safety…but no, god was planning anything else in his mind.
Situation just gone from bad to worse…it started flooding…water was all over…we both were holding each other and i was praying god to please keep her safe.

And the next moment…the moment which changed my whole life,the most cruel moment of my life..yes which made us separate forever was on his upsurge.

Suddenly i found she was not with me..i was totally scared…i was cursing myself..”How can i be so irresponsible??”..but the next moment i saw something…ya that was her..i tried to catch..but water flow was enormous.I was helpless,i was just one was there to help me…i saw her the last time..i don’t know what happen to her then but i was totally disappointed.

All my friends consoled me…but i was shocked.I just remembered her…but soon my days come back…one of friend understand my pain and he give me what i want…YES HE BOUGHT FOR ME A BRAND NEW PARKER PEN….I got her again my parker pen…i got her again…thank you god you gave me my LOVE again!!!!!

Vote for me now!

It’s the beginning

It's the beginning

From the day of 1st sem,from the day i started calling me an engineer…

From the day i made my orkut and facebook accounts…

From the day neighbours started noticing me with a lill respect in their eyes….

i realized engineering has started.


From the day i started wearing my formals…

giving ma first ragging,and wearing tie for a month…

From the day i felt free as if on sky,but sometimes feeling a lill lonely…

i realized engineering has started.


From the day i left full day mugging in books….

heard about chetan bhagat and anjelina jolie….

From the day i started playing counter strike….

the day i started giving attention to my looks….

i realized engineering  has started.

Vote for me now!

Intranet Chatting:Project

Project Courtsey by mayank khandelwal (

This Project Entitled as ‘INTRANET CHATTING’ is used basically for chatting purpose with the remote clients or users on Internet or local networks. Here in this project a java client / server combination is used to chat with remote users. When a Client wants to chat with a user on a remote host, he sends a   request to the Server with a identification name like chat-id, the server responds to the request by identifying the client-id which is already registered in the server domain and when matched his request is granted and the client can begin to chat with the remote users present on the internet or local network.

The power of Internet is such that it integrates together LANs located across diverse software and hardware forms into a single large communication network that spans the globe. The client needs to have a client software such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer to retrieve information   as well as chat on the

http://www.  WWW is referred to as Netsurfing. And it supports chatting, text, video and audio.

The benefit of using “INTRANET CHATTING” over other chatting tools is that, with the help of java, the programmer can create applet applications which can be use the internet as a server. Applets are machine independent and so java programs can run on any computer on the internet.

The term client/server is used in the context of networking, what it actually means.

It is important to understand the terms client/server because the INTRANET CHATTTING project is supported completely by client/server model. A server is anything that has some resource that can be shared. There are compute servers, which provide computing power, web servers, which store web pages. A client is simply any other entity that wants to gain access to a particular server. The interaction between client\server is like an interaction between an electrical socket and a lamp. The server is a permanently available resource while client is free to “unplug” after it has been served.

The program’s premier feature is its whiteboard drawing utility. You can draw freehand, do circles, squares, lines, text, or paste image files to the canvas.  This is ideal when users want to “sketch” concepts for one another.  Users can interact publicly with everyone else on the server, or they can chat/draw privately using java Chat’s “whisper mode”.  Users can create and manage chat rooms, which can be either “public” or “private”.  The server will also store and manage answering machine-style messages for users who aren’t online, and instant messages can be sent to those who are.  Additionally, users who aren’t watching their screens can be paged with sound.

To download the entire project

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